Ulf Wendel

PHP BBQ Tour – your last chance is Kiel, today

The PHP BBQ Tour is almost over. There is one chance left for you to come to a BBQ and to meet Giuseppe Maxia, the Datacharmer and leader of the MySQL Community team. The closing meeting will be held today in Kiel at the restaurant (not in the garden, no real BBQ, just like in Munich!) of the Forstbaumschule at 16:00 CEST. Its a little change in the location but no change in time.

Change for Kiel (today): due to rainy weather conditions we meet at the Forstbaumschule restaurant not in the garden, no BBQ but a meeting, just like in Munich. Same time (16:00 CEST), almost the same place as before the change. Seats have been reserved, ask for Wendel/PHP.

We had to move the Kiel BBQ to the restaurant due to bad weather conditions. It is just like yesterday in Hamburg. Yesterdays BBQ meeting had been moved into a restaurant itself. Unfortunately the change has been announced rather late on the Forge wiki, the PHP user group Hamburg mailing list and on Twitter. And, not only the location but also the time changed by 1.5 hours.

I have been surprised myself by the change. On the other hand, I stressed out several times that one had to check the wiki page immediately before the event to check for last-minute changes. However, some people did nevertheless find their way to the pub where the user group and the PHP Unconference (12.-13.09.2009) team always meets.

Ekke, Judith and the others from the PHP Unconference organisation team are still looking for sponsors. If by any chance you may be able to convince your boss to sponsor the event, please talk to him. There are more than 180 registrations for the unconference in Hamburg.

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