Ulf Wendel

PHP BBQ Tour – Berlin to set records yesterday, Dortmund today

The PHP UG Berlin has set a new record for the BBQ tour. They tried to collect more attendees than the user group in Munich, but Berlin failed. Some 30 is a little, if not much, less than 34 attendees. As one contest had been lost, the idea of a new contest came up: number of ordered beers. Berlin has won that one easily, if you count glasses. In Munich you get 1l of beer per glass and in Berlin it is more like 0.3l …

It has also been a very close race between Berlin and Munich in terms of PHP "VIPs". Check out the photos. At least five people should look familiar to you, if you have ever been at the PHP Unconference in Hamburg (12-13.09.2009), the PHP room at the FrosCon or any other PHP conference, such as the International PHP Conference run by the Software&Support publishing house.

Credits to Till Klampaeckel, the others from the meet up and the various PHP dinosaurs that came to the event. It has been a wonderful summer evening in the hearth of Berlin.

… see you in Dortmund. Two more hours by train for me!

Dortmund today – 17:00 CEST
University, computer science building – free registration
the one and only BBQ with talks!
Hamburg tomorrow (Saturday) – 16:00 CEST
Altonaer Balkon – free registration
Kiel (Sunday) – 16:00 CEST
BBQ area at the Forstbaumschule – free registration
Check details at http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/PHP_BBQ_Tour .

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