Ulf Wendel

MySQL Connector/C++: filtering debug output

You know how to build MySQL Connector/C++ and write applications, because you have read my previous post MySQL Connector/C++: compiling, using and debugging. And, of course, its not working. therefore you try the debug trace. Are you capable of handling all the information in it? I am a lamer. The only Vi command I know is ":q".And I know nothing about sed and grep, therefore none of these can help me filtering the debug log. But I know a bit of PHP. I wrote myself a PHP script for filtering MySQL Connector/C++ debug traces when we started working on MySQL Connector/OpenOffice.org again. If you are not Andrey, this may be for you.

Andrey plays in a different league. Not only that he reads the traces like news papers because he knows every call, he also knows how to use Vi and friends However, his approach to handle several thousand lines of OOo traces has been to patch the driver itself. . Check the code of mysql_debug.cpp, if you are with him. If you do not want to do the filtering in C++ or you are concerned about modifying the source, my lamer approach might become handy.

Even if you never use the trace yourself, it would be great if you know how to enable it and send us/Support a trace upon request, for example to analyze bug reports. Please note, official support is not available for the alpha version of MySQL Connector/C++.

Fasse Dich kurz!

In the past, public phones in Germany used to have an instruction plate stating: "Fasse Dich kurz!" (Be considerate of others waiting, keep it short!). My little PHP filtering script does not understand the meaning of the words spoken by the driver and recorded in the debug trace. But if you tell it what to show using -s <pattern> or what to hide -r <pattern> it helps removing noise from the discussion between your client application and the server. And, it is capable of telling you which words and phrases occur very often in the trace log. You may want to consider some of those phrases as stop words.

Fasse Dich kurz!
Photo by tölvakonu. Published under the terms of the Creative Commons on Flickr.


The PHP filtering script is provided as-is. I do not promise to maintain it. I do not promise to fix bugs timely. It may have bugs, buts still it may be useful not only for me. Andrey reminded me that a PHP script may not be what you really want. One may want the driver to generate valgrind compatible output to be able to utilize the numerous valgrind processors. I leave it to the Community to patch Connector/C++ to generate valgrind output. I got what I need…

A trace from examples/debug.cpp

Below you can find an example of a trace generated from the code in examples/debug.cpp. As mentioned in the previous post on building the driver all examples are compiled as part of a the normal build procedure. Currently (alpha version) trace information is always written to standard out. Redirect standard out into a file. The PHP filter script operates on files and writes its output to standard out.

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> examples/debug
# Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
#        Test table created
        |  INF: Tracing enabled
        |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
        |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
        |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
        |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query
        |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query
        |  INF: Tracing enabled
        |  INF: this=0x6a7210
        |  INF: query=DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test
        |  >MySQL_Statement::do_query
        |  |  INF: this=0x6a7210
        |  <MySQL_Statement::do_query
        |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern
        |  |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters
        |  |  |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
        |  |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters
        |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern
        |  INF: this=0x6a7210
ok 1
nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> examples/debug > cpp_trace.log

The PHP filter script can be found in the examples directory as well: examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php. I run it using PHP 5.3 but any PHP version >= 5.0 should be fine. The script is not part of the Alpha release, you need to fetch the latest development snapshot from Launchpad: bzr branch lp:~mysql/mysql-connector-cpp/trunk .

If you run the script without any arguments but the name of the trace file to analyze, it prints every line from the trace file preceded by three numbers. The three columns show, from left to right, corresponding line number in the input file that belongs to this line of output, the function call nesting level (depth) and the line number in the output generated by the PHP script. For example 0000004/02/0000004 | INF: Tracing enabled tells you that you will find the string | INF: Tracing enabled in the fourth line of the trace file cpp_trace.log. The function call nesting level is considered to be two and the line number in the output file is four. Knowing the corresponding line number of the trace file becomes handy once you filter out lines.

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php cpp_trace.log
0000001/01/0000001      1..1
0000002/01/0000002      # Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
0000003/01/0000003      #        Test table created
0000004/02/0000004              |  INF: Tracing enabled
0000005/01/0000005              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000006/01/0000006              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000039/01/0000039      ok 1

How to know what to filter out?

To identify classes or methods to filter out from the trace for better "readability" you advice the filter script to generate call statistics by passing the options -stats to the script. At the end of the statistics you can see how many percent of the input have been hidden by filters. You also get hints how to hide individual methods that make more than 2% of all function calls.

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php -stats cpp_trace.log
0000039/01/0000039      ok 1

Class: MySQL_Connection

  ~MySQL_Connection                        2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection" to hide)
  setClientOption                          2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Connection::setClientOption" to hide)

Class: MySQL_Prepared_Statement (shown, use "-r MySQL_Connection::setClientOption" to hide)

  clearParameters                          2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters" to hide)
  setInt                                   2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt" to hide)
  executeUpdate                            2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate" to hide)
  setString                                2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString" to hide)
  closeIntern                              1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern" to hide)
  do_query                                 1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query" to hide)
  ~MySQL_Prepared_Statement                1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement" to hide)

Class: MySQL_Statement (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement" to hide)

  execute                                  3       (= 13.64%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::execute" to hide)
  ~MySQL_Statement                         2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement" to hide)
  do_query                                 2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::do_query" to hide)

NOTE: 0.00% of all calls hidden.

If you want to hide all functions which are invoked in more than 2% of all cases, use:
-r MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection -r MySQL_Connection::setClientOption -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement -r MySQL_Statement::execute -r MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement -r MySQL_Statement::do_query

The example is quite boring because the trace has only 39 lines. But when developing a larger application or when performing some actions in OpenOffice.org Base while developing Connector/OpenOffice.org, you trace can easily have 302.880 lines. Regardless of how many lines your trace has the statistics give you a second benefit: you get a first overview what is going on.

0302877/01/0302874      OConnection::isClosed
0302878/01/0302875              >MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0302879/01/0302876              <MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0302880/01/0302877      MysqlCDriver::disposing

Class: MySQL_Connection

  checkClosed                              1118    (=  0.58%) - (shown)
  getMySQLHandle                           588     (=  0.30%) - (shown)
  createStatement                          303     (=  0.16%) - (shown)
  getSessionVariable                       276     (=  0.14%) - (shown)
  prepareStatement                         100     (=  0.05%) - (shown)
  getMetaData                              33      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  MySQL_Connection                         5       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_Connection                        4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  setAutoCommit                            4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  setTransactionIsolation                  4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  isClosed                                 2       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_ConnectionMetaData (shown)

  getIdentifierQuoteString                 33      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  MySQL_ConnectionMetaData                 33      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  getColumns                               32      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  getPrimaryKeys                           28      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  getTables                                20      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_ConnectionMetaData                6       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getDatabasePatchVersion                  4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getDatabaseMinorVersion                  4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getDatabaseMajorVersion                  4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers       2       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  isCatalogAtStart                         1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getCatalogSeparator                      1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation       1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  usesLocalFiles                           1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  usesLocalFilePerTable                    1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getMaxTablesInSelect                     1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  supportsSchemasInDataManipulation        1       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_ConstructedResultSet (shown)

  isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast                 53922   (= 27.87%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast" to hide)
  getString(int)                           36443   (= 18.84%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::getString(int)" to hide)
  isClosed                                 20232   (= 10.46%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::isClosed" to hide)
  checkValid                               20232   (= 10.46%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::checkValid" to hide)
  isLast                                   3087    (=  1.60%) - (shown)
  next                                     1077    (=  0.56%) - (shown)
  afterLast                                208     (=  0.11%) - (shown)
  MySQL_ConstructedResultSet               140     (=  0.07%) - (shown)
  first                                    116     (=  0.06%) - (shown)
  seek                                     109     (=  0.06%) - (shown)
  getMetaData                              70      (=  0.04%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_ConstructedResultSetMetaData (shown)

  getColumnCount                           210     (=  0.11%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_ConstructedResultSetMetaData      140     (=  0.07%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_Prepared_ResultSet (shown)

  isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast                 1246    (=  0.64%) - (shown)
  getString(int)                           856     (=  0.44%) - (shown)
  checkValid                               636     (=  0.33%) - (shown)
  isLast                                   480     (=  0.25%) - (shown)
  next                                     344     (=  0.18%) - (shown)
  MySQL_Prepared_ResultSet                 108     (=  0.06%) - (shown)
  closeIntern                              72      (=  0.04%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_Prepared_ResultSet                72      (=  0.04%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_Prepared_Statement (shown)

  setString                                144     (=  0.07%) - (shown)
  checkClosed                              108     (=  0.06%) - (shown)
  executeQuery                             72      (=  0.04%) - (shown)
  closeIntern                              36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_Prepared_Statement                36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  bindResult                               36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  do_query                                 36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  MySQL_Prepared_Statement                 36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_ResultSet (shown)

  isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast                 8846    (=  4.57%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ResultSet::isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast" to hide)
  getString(int)                           6200    (=  3.20%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ResultSet::getString(int)" to hide)
  isClosed                                 4096    (=  2.12%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ResultSet::isClosed" to hide)
  checkValid                               3884    (=  2.01%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_ResultSet::checkValid" to hide)
  isLast                                   1122    (=  0.58%) - (shown)
  next                                     829     (=  0.43%) - (shown)
  afterLast                                496     (=  0.26%) - (shown)
  MySQL_ResultSet                          466     (=  0.24%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_ResultSet                         445     (=  0.23%) - (shown)
  getMetaData                              64      (=  0.03%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_ResultSetMetaData (shown)

  getColumnDisplaySize                     1872    (=  0.97%) - (shown)
  isNullable                               1872    (=  0.97%) - (shown)
  getColumnCount                           996     (=  0.51%) - (shown)
  getScale                                 936     (=  0.48%) - (shown)
  getColumnTypeName                        936     (=  0.48%) - (shown)
  getColumnType                            936     (=  0.48%) - (shown)
  MySQL_ResultSetMetaData                  32      (=  0.02%) - (shown)

Class: MySQL_Statement (shown)

  executeQuery                             897     (=  0.46%) - (shown)
  checkClosed                              776     (=  0.40%) - (shown)
  do_query                                 614     (=  0.32%) - (shown)
  MySQL_Statement                          606     (=  0.31%) - (shown)
  ~MySQL_Statement                         606     (=  0.31%) - (shown)
  get_resultset                            466     (=  0.24%) - (shown)
  executeUpdate                            16      (=  0.01%) - (shown)

Class: MysqlCDriver (shown)

  acceptsURL                               119     (=  0.06%) - (shown)
  connect                                  4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  disposing                                3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getPropertyInfo                          3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getSupportedServiceNames_Static          3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  MysqlCDriver                             3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getImplementationName_Static             3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

Class: OConnection (shown)

  release                                  389     (=  0.20%) - (shown)
  getMetaData                              303     (=  0.16%) - (shown)
  getConnection                            69      (=  0.04%) - (shown)
  createStatement                          66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  prepareStatement                         14      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  getMysqlVersion                          10      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  clearWarnings                            5       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getWarnings                              5       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  ~OConnection                             4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  disposing                                4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  OConnection                              4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  construct                                4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  isClosed                                 4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  close                                    3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

Class: ODatabaseMetaData (shown)

  supportsSchemasInDataManipulation        272     (=  0.14%) - (shown)
  supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation       272     (=  0.14%) - (shown)
  getIdentifierQuoteString                 239     (=  0.12%) - (shown)
  getCatalogSeparator                      195     (=  0.10%) - (shown)
  isCatalogAtStart                         167     (=  0.09%) - (shown)
  isReadOnly                               148     (=  0.08%) - (shown)
  getMaxTablesInSelect                     37      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers       36      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  getColumns                               32      (=  0.02%) - (shown)
  getPrimaryKeys                           28      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers         20      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  getURL                                   12      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  getTables                                10      (=  0.01%) - (shown)
  supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn         4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn          4       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  ~ODatabaseMetaData                       3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getTableTypes                            3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  usesLocalFiles                           3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  ODatabaseMetaData                        3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  usesLocalFilePerTable                    3       (=  0.00%) - (shown)
  getExtraNameCharacters                   2       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

Class: OStatement (shown)

  acquire                                  2092    (=  1.08%) - (shown)
  release                                  2092    (=  1.08%) - (shown)
  queryInterface                           566     (=  0.29%) - (shown)

Class: OStatement_BASE2 (shown)

  release                                  2092    (=  1.08%) - (shown)
  disposing                                66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)

Class: OStatement_Base (shown)

  acquire                                  2092    (=  1.08%) - (shown)
  queryInterface                           566     (=  0.29%) - (shown)
  getInfoHelper                            132     (=  0.07%) - (shown)
  close                                    66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  executeQuery                             66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  convertFastPropertyValue                 66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  OStatement_Base                          66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  disposeResultSet                         66      (=  0.03%) - (shown)
  createArrayHelper                        2       (=  0.00%) - (shown)

NOTE: 0.00% of all calls hidden.

If you want to hide all functions which are invoked in more than 2% of all cases, use:
-r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast -r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::getString(int) -r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::isClosed -r MySQL_ConstructedResultSet::checkValid -r MySQL_ResultSet::isBeforeFirstOrAfterLast -r MySQL_ResultSet::getString(int) -r MySQL_ResultSet::isClosed -r MySQL_ResultSet::checkValid

Filtering out calls from the trace

When debugging you often have a first idea where the issue might be. For example, you may want to ignore everything that is related to establishing a connection. Most connection related methods are found in the driver class MySQL_Connection. You can use -r MySQL_Connection:: to hide each and every call to any method of the class. Or you use -r MySQL_Connection::setClientOption to hide calls of the method setClientOption of the class MySQL_Connection. Alternatively you may also try -r setClientOption to hide calls of the method setClientOption of any class.

Let filter out all calls of all methods from the class MySQL_Connection using the syntax shown below. Note how the output of the filter script becomes shorter and note also the gaps in the line numbering of the input file, for example, input line number five is missing. If you distrust the filter logic, add -v to the option list to increase the verbosity of the script.

ixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php -r MySQL_Connection:: -stats cpp_trace.log
0000001/01/0000001      1..1
0000002/01/0000002      # Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
0000003/01/0000003      #        Test table created
0000004/02/0000004              |  INF: Tracing enabled
0000006/01/0000005              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000007/02/0000006              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000008/01/0000007              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000009/01/0000008              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000010/02/0000009              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000011/01/0000010              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000012/01/0000011              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate
0000013/02/0000012              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000014/02/0000013              |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query
0000015/02/0000014              |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query
0000016/01/0000015              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate
0000020/01/0000016              >MySQL_Statement::execute
0000021/02/0000017              |  INF: this=0x6a7210
0000022/02/0000018              |  INF: query=DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test
0000023/02/0000019              |  >MySQL_Statement::do_query
0000024/05/0000020              |  |  INF: this=0x6a7210
0000025/02/0000021              |  <MySQL_Statement::do_query
0000026/01/0000022              <MySQL_Statement::execute
0000027/01/0000023              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement
0000028/02/0000024              |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern
0000029/05/0000025              |  |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters
0000030/08/0000026              |  |  |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000031/05/0000027              |  |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters
0000032/02/0000028              |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern
0000033/01/0000029              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement
0000034/01/0000030              >MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement
0000035/02/0000031              |  INF: this=0x6a7210
0000036/01/0000032              <MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement

Class: MySQL_Connection (hidden because of -r MySQL_Connection::)

  ~MySQL_Connection                        2       (=  9.09%) - (hidden because of -r MySQL_Connection::)
  setClientOption                          2       (=  9.09%) - (hidden because of -r MySQL_Connection::)

Class: MySQL_Prepared_Statement (shown)

  clearParameters                          2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters" to hide)
  setInt                                   2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt" to hide)
  executeUpdate                            2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate" to hide)
  setString                                2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString" to hide)
  closeIntern                              1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern" to hide)
  do_query                                 1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query" to hide)
  ~MySQL_Prepared_Statement                1       (=  4.55%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement" to hide)

Class: MySQL_Statement (shown)

  execute                                  3       (= 13.64%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::execute" to hide)
  ~MySQL_Statement                         2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement" to hide)
  do_query                                 2       (=  9.09%) - (shown, use "-r MySQL_Statement::do_query" to hide)

NOTE: 18.18% of all calls hidden.

If you want to hide all functions which are invoked in more than 2% of all cases, use:
-r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::clearParameters -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::closeIntern -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query -r MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement -r MySQL_Statement::execute -r MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement -r MySQL_Statement::do_query

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php -r MySQL_Connection:: -v cpp_trace.log
0000001/01/0000001      1..1
0000002/01/0000002      # Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
0000003/01/0000003      #        Test table created
0000004/02/0000004              |  INF: Tracing enabled
0000005 - Skip - class MySQL_Connection because of -r MySQL_Connection::
0000006/01/0000005              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt


Show something, hide the rest

The inverse of -r <pattern> is -s <pattern>. Lets assume you changed your mind and you want to see only the calls to methods from the MySQL_Connection class. Or what about showing all queries run through MySQL_Statement::execute?

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php -s MySQL_Connection:: cpp_trace.log
0000005/01/0000001              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000017/01/0000002              >MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000018/02/0000003              |  INF: Tracing enabled
0000019/01/0000004              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000037/01/0000005              >MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0000038/01/0000006              <MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0000039/01/0000007      ok 1

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php -s MySQL_Statement::execute cpp_trace.log
0000020/01/0000001              >MySQL_Statement::execute
0000021/02/0000002              |  INF: this=0x6a7210
0000022/02/0000003              |  INF: query=DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test
0000026/01/0000004              <MySQL_Statement::execute

What else? -c, -l

The last two important switches are -c and -l <depth>. -c does compress the entering and exiting message of a function into one line if there is nothing in between the entering and exiting message. -l limits the function call nesting level in the output. If, for example, function A calls function B then A is given the nesting level 1 and B gets nesting level 2. By using -l 1 you could hide function B from the trace.

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php  -l 1 cpp_trace.log
0000001/01/0000001      1..1
0000002/01/0000002      # Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
0000003/01/0000003      #        Test table created
0000005/01/0000004              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000006/01/0000005              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000008/01/0000006              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000009/01/0000007              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000011/01/0000008              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000012/01/0000009              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate
0000016/01/0000010              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate
0000017/01/0000011              >MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000019/01/0000012              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000020/01/0000013              >MySQL_Statement::execute
0000026/01/0000014              <MySQL_Statement::execute
0000027/01/0000015              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement
0000033/01/0000016              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::~MySQL_Prepared_Statement
0000034/01/0000017              >MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement
0000036/01/0000018              <MySQL_Statement::~MySQL_Statement
0000037/01/0000019              >MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0000038/01/0000020              <MySQL_Connection::~MySQL_Connection
0000039/01/0000021      ok 1

nixnutz@ulflinux:~/src/connector-cpp-bzr/trunk> php examples/cpp_trace_analyzer.php  -c cpp_trace.log
0000001/01/0000001      1..1
0000002/01/0000002      # Connector/C++ debug / client_options example..
0000003/01/0000003      #        Test table created
0000004/02/0000004              |  INF: Tracing enabled
0000005/01/0000005              <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
0000006/01/0000006              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000007/02/0000007              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000008/01/0000008              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
0000009/01/0000009              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000010/02/0000010              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000011/01/0000011              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setString
0000012/01/0000012              >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate
0000013/02/0000013              |  INF: this=0x6a8e00
0000015/02/0000014              |  =MySQL_Prepared_Statement::do_query
0000016/01/0000015              <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::executeUpdate

Ok, in real life I use a mixture of grep and the PHP script, but still, I am a Unix command line lamer… Greetings to all super heroes and nixnutze!

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