Ulf Wendel

MySQL Connector/C++: General Availability release

The first production release of MySQL Connector/C++ is available, please see the official announcement. You can download source and binary packages from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/cpp/1.0.html. A long and detailed getting started type API introduction article is waiting for you in the DevZone. The documentation has sections on how to set up NetBeans or VisualStudio projects for creating client applications.

During beta we learned about a pitfall: binary portability on Windows and Linux (generic builds). Forum users have reported issues when using our binaries (not the source) with Visual Studio 2008. Self-compiled builds are not affected. For GA we offer Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005 builds. This should cure the situation.

Generic Linux packages have been build with GCC 3.2.3

Linux users of the generic binary builds, note that our binaries have been compiled using GCC 3.2.3. If your system is using a more recent version of GCC, consider to build from source. When linking a client application against our *.so files using a more recent GCC, you may get warnings and errors related to libstdc++.so.5. GCC 4.x is using libstdc++.so.6. Your distribution may offer *-compat packages to solve problems. It takes two minutes to compile from source using cmake . && make && sudo make install – your choice if you want to build from source or try *-compat packages.

Users of an OS with a dedicated build, do not need to worry about binary incompatibilities. If our binaries do not work properly, please ask at the forum or, if you are sure it is a bug, file a bug report.

How we build the MySQL Connector/C++ binaries

Every binary package, except the Windows ones, contain a README. At the end of the README is a section that shows the compiler version, the CMake version, the MySQL (client library) version and other build settings that we used to generate the binary. This information is automatically added to the README when the build is done. We keep similar data and additional hints on the Forge wiki page Connector C++ Binary Builds. The wiki page also gives details on the Windows builds. Please feel free to make additions to the wiki page.

The build details on the wiki page may – over time – differ from what you find in a README. A README contained in a binary package tells you what we did to build the binary contained in the package. At the time of writing the information given on the wiki should be identical to the README. But who knows what the future brings…

It is stable!

We pass 99,5% of our tests on our build hosts since weeks. MySQL Workbench is using the driver and Connector/OpenOffice.org is implemented as a thin wrapper around Connector/C++. The source seems to be OK.

The binary builds work fine on our 40+ test platforms. But once you compile a client application against a pre-build binary on a platform that does not match the set up of any of our machines, there can be binary incompatibilities. The causes are often beyond our control: different compiler versions, different STL versions, different runtime libraries. In the worst case, you have to build from source.

What we cannot test is how the driver performs for your application. Give it a test drive and let us know. The next build is already scheduled (roughly a month from now). We will try to get fixes for your problems – if any – into it. The more feedback we get at this earlier stage, the earlier we get it " really" ready for you – maybe you have heard the terms "done" and " done done" before…

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