This blog exists for about two months now. I’ve started this blog in german like I provide all contents on in german. The reason for doing so is, that I life in germany. My native tongue is german and if I look for jobs, then I’m looking for jobs in germany… So, why should I blog on english? I don’t feel that comfortable about writing and talking english. I usually blog in my spare time. Spare time means that I blog either during breaks or in the late evening hours. In both cases I don’t want to fiddle about writing english.
However, I see more and more web server log entries that show readers who are trying to run translation services on some blog entries. Usually, the result of the translation is really poor. For example, MaxDB gets translated into Max railways. Of course it’s wrong to translate DB into railways. It’s true that DB is a shortcut for Deutsche Bahn (company name: german railways), but the DB in MaxDB actually stands for Datenbank (database). And a database is something completely different than a railway.
To make a long story short: if you want me to translate some (not all) blog entries, leave a comment or send me an email. I won’t translate all contents and it’s likely that I’ll not translate the blog entries word-by-word. But I might be willing to add a short english language summary to an article. So, don’t use translation services and their results. Ask me for assistance.
Again, all I write here is written in my spare time. There’s absolutely no warranty that I will provide a translation of an article nor that I even will reply to an email! Nevertheless, I’d like to get your feedback and I think I could arrange some translations, if wanted.
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