Ulf Wendel

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Data massage: how databases have been scaled from one to one million nodes

Despite the CAP theorem, databases have been scaled from one to one million nodes. Globally distributed, highly available and fast. Databases supporting ACID transactions. How? A story and slides from a three hours workshop at the PHP Summit 2013 (Berlin)… … Continue reading

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PHP: PECL/mysqlnd_ms 1.6 – automatic retry loop for transient errors

PECL/mysqlnd_ms is client-side load balancing driver plugin for PHP MySQL that aims to increase distribution transparency when using any MySQL based cluster: failover, read-write splitting, abstraction on consistency (e.g. read-your-writes), partitioning/sharding support, … it’s all there. Until a few minutes … Continue reading

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Comments Off on Solution for: MySQL 5.6 password expired, PHP can’t connect, application stops

Solution for: MySQL 5.6 password expired, PHP can’t connect, application stops

MySQL 5.6 introduces a new features that must be used with great care. A MySQL users password can be marked as expired. This way, a DBA can force a user to set or reset his password. The MySQL user must … Continue reading

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PECL/mysqlnd_ms and the client failover dilemma – part 1

MySQL Replication has a weak point: the master (primary) is a single point of failure. People ask frequently about client failover. Making a client library failover a client automatically from one server to another is simple. PECL/mysqlnd_ms can do it. … Continue reading