Ulf Wendel

PHP BBQ Tour – Munich changes && Karlsruhe on Wednesday

It is as little as 8 hours before the first barbecue of the PHP BBQ Tour starts in Munich today (Hirschgarten – change: restaurant not BBQ area!). "Registration" for Munich is still open, you can still find last-minute details and add your name at http://www.silberkind.de/dokuwiki/phpbbq.

Last Minute change for Munich due to rain: we meet at the Hirschgarten restaurant not at the BBQ area. A seat reservation has been made for Wendel/PHP. Same time as before: 19:00 CEST. Almost the same location!
Drizzle times?

The BBQ Tour is a one week trip through some german PHP meet ups. The trip starts on Monday, 15.06. in Munich and goes via Frankfurt (Tuesday, 16.06), Karlsruhe (Wednesday, 17.06), Berlin (Thursday, 18.06), Dortmund (Friday, 19.06) and Hamburg (Saturday, 20.06) to Kiel (Sunday, 21.06). One every evening there will be a BBQ. Please check the Forge wiki page for details frequently. The purpose of the tour is to have fun and to get connected. Everybody is invited to join the tour and to visit the PHP user group in his neighbor town.

The PHP BBQ Karlsruhe

The BBQ will be held at the place of a user group member. The BBQ starts at 18:00 CEST. Please go to:

Neckarstraße 30 A
76199 Karlsruhe

Public transport: use the S1/S11 to Dammerstock. From the station it is a 10 minute walk, see Google Maps: http://tinyurl.com/phpugka .

Although it is not needed to register for food planning, please tell us that you intend to come by adding your name to a Doodle poll. It it not needed for food planning because urlaubswerk.de is sponsoring the event! Thanks a lot, urlaubswerk.de and Adrian Philipp.

The PHP user group Karlsruhe

If you don’t come to the BBQ, you will not only miss free food sponsored byurlaubswerk.de but also a relatively young and vivid user group.

The PHP user group Karlsruhe

(Answers by Adrian Philipp and others.)

Does the user group have a home page?

Are there frequent meetings?
We always meet on the last Tuesday of every month at the university of Karlsruhe. There is always a talk. If you want to get a newsletter with the exact date, time and topic of the talk, please register at the forum at http://forum.phpug-karlsruhe.de/.

Are there presentations?
Since a couple of months there are. The topics range from PHP specific to more general IT topics. We appreciate talks with topcis that go beyond the PHP horizon. By the way, you can download slides of talks held in the past from our download area.

How many people are visiting the events?
Some 8 to 15 people join the meetings. The more geeky the topics are, the less people… 😉

Are you working together with other groups or organizations?
The university of Karlsruhe supports us by providing meeting rooms and meeting equipment. As of recently, urlaubswerk.de is our food sponsor.

When has the PHP user group Frankfurt been founded?
The idea of a user group was born in November 2006. Only the two founders came to the first meeting in early 2007. Nevermind, everybody starts small and, you can call it a meeting if at least two people come together :).

There is a story, not for the public, …
Actually, things always have been moving forward… 🙂

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